DTP Print Resource 1- Newsletter- "Bullying"

DTP Print Resource 1- Newsletter- "Bullying"

The following publication is a newsletter/brochure that is targeted at Standard Five students and their parents. This is my first newsletter and it was created with parents, students and stakeholders in mind. The topic is “Bullying”.  Bullying is aggressive behaviour in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes another person injury or discomfort. Bullying can take the form of physical contact, words or more subtle actions. The newsletter would be given at a student/parent workshop, as it aims to enlighten students and parents about the causes and effects of bullying. It goes further to share guidelines in finding solutions or recognizing when a child is being bullied or is displaying the negative behaviours of a bully. The follow-up to the workshop would be Social Studies lessons on “How to not be a Bully” and “How to stop or help a bully”, as well as lessons integrated into Art and Craft where students will be asked to create a poster on “No Bullying”.

Artifact 1- School violence and indiscipline.pdf (859,9 kB)